reports June 2023

June 30st, 2023 - click pic collages & albums to enlarge

As usually in June there were very few tourists and the Southeast gained full strength offering ever lesser opportunities to go out. Sadly the bits of fishing done mostly did not go too well. The first week of the month was still fishable and saw a few charters but the catches were minimal for our standards. On the 2nd I tagged along with a German couple and Brandon on Island Rhythm but no fish was caught and not even a knock recorded. Was only a half day but I never experienced such here before and I won`t need it again. A bit better but still unspectacular went my two jigging stints. Plenty of kitchen fish without anything impressive. But as this text now badly needs a pic here is a Whiteblotched Grouper that stood out from the rest a little bit.

After that first week the wind gradually picked up while not yet reaching 20 knots allowing just for a bit of inshore spinning. Greg on Amberjack got the usual suspects like Job and Garfish that also attended to me. Nice would have been that so far largest Queenfish I saw in Seychelles but it came away when trying to land it. A boat load of staring excursion tourists passed some 15m away just then and went cheering so insult came on top of injury. Made up for that a little a good week later when there indeed was a hole in the wind for a single day. Just 6 knots and not too bad a swell triggered me into a serious afternoon popping stint despite a rather crappy tide. Still after only half hour the object of desire was cooperative.

Not the biggest of GTs but better than none. The next fish attacked about 2hrs later and kindly also hooked up. Guess such a Bluefin Trevally is always nice to look at.

Strangely after that along a subsequently improving tide nothing else showed. Not even a Jobfish or a bloody Shark. Possibly the activity would have come up towards dusk and I had planned to fish until then. But after 5hrs I had to succumb to the fact that I am somewhat out of shape due to the lack of popping exercise since the beginning of the year  At last the shoulder keeps gradually improving though so next goal will be 6hrs. But when to try that is off the horizon as currently it is blowing at up to 25 knots and the average weight height is indicated at 2.8 meters. No good. And that`s already all I have to tell this time.


For the preceeding reports check the archive.


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Seychelles fishing weather forecast
Seychelles fishing tide forecast